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The Onyx

Explore issue No. 9 of The Onyx to learn about important news and updates from the Office of Alumnae Relations, but most importantly, to rejuvenate your Scottie spirit through the news and notes of classmates.

Thank you for your support and readership. We hope you enjoy this issue!

Tips for reading the digital format of The Onyx:

  • You can read plaintext versions of the Class News sections on a mobile device, by reading from the "Stories Inside" section.
  • For the full-screen view of the magazine, click the Full-Screen symbol (the square) in the lower right-hand corner.
  • To zoom in, click on the "+" icon in the bottom menu.
  • To download the issue to your computer or mobile device, click the Download arrow in the top left-hand corner.
  • If you would like to request a word document of the Class News and Notes section, you can do so by emailing

For technical issues or questions, or for alumnae who have reading and/or eye problems and need more information or accommodations, please contact

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